Replying all my tags first!
Lol I can't even remember from how long ago this was! :p I thank you on their behalf
I thought fingers get bruised,not bleed when you slam something shut on it?I HOPE IT'S BETTER NOW
I think I snapped the fingernail!
welcome!! :) LOL the photo didn't look that bad on your camera.. :P
Time for me to look for a job then treat you Vong vong!!!
HELLO GANMA. *pinches your cheeks*
HELLO *slaps your butt*
zhi wei:
!! D': pls tell me if you need help for your thesis!! you can do this!
:D Can't believe this tag is here!! I did it!! More like, I did it with your tremendous help!!!
zhi wei:
Hurrow. Imma kidnap you after exams.
Okay come I am yours to nap
zhi wei:
dropping by to say hello *hearts & your ikea meatballs photos are tempting me!
HELLO! I think I can make better ones!
One more month to our last exam! :O Btw, Concetto.
Hi Bert!!! We already went to Concetto; shall we start the search for a new place?? (:
Thanks for tagging everyone!! Hehe
On the 29th March, I woke up bright and early.

'twas a crazily sunny day. The reason why I was up so early was because I had to babysit my cousin. NAH I totally kid. Melcher and I went over to my aunt's place to interview her for our group project! It had to do with caregivers and their language attitudes and beliefs with regard to their children's language use.
To get her to share her mom for awhile, I bribed this kid with ice cream. WHO SAYS I DON'T KNOW HOW TO HANDLE KIDS?!?!? Lololol. Anyway I'm pretty proud of her because she didn't throw a tantrum when the flavour she wanted had run out.
I then headed home and transcribed our interview data -- anyone who has had to deal with transcribing would tell you this: TRANSCRIBING IS REALLY PAINFUL. For that particular one, I had to type what we spoke in Mandarin in hanyupinyin before translating it into English, so it was even more tedious. It made me late to meet Zhiwei, I'm so sorry!
She had graciously accompanied to support these two at the
CAS (Cheerleading Association Singapore) National Cheerleading Competition 2014!
I bought a gerbera for them each and a teddy bear for Bryan just because. Nick and Bryan are part of
KR Steppers, their hall team!
Thank you so much for the cheery company! We were being silly peas talking about all the strong and fit people in their uniforms, revealing their abs for all to see whilst we unfit bodies stood there with our jiggly arms and thighs. :p I honestly had great fun though!
Also managed to catch Nick mid-yawn, looking like a bear. Zhiwei and I had reached about 6pm, 7pm but they had been there since mid-afternoon! Nick was awakened from his nap when I reached hehe. After awhile they all had to leave to do a practice run so Zhiwei and I were left alone watching the other teams!
I attempted to snap shots of final stunts of the teams I like but sadly I was not swift enough. I'll share videos though, not to worry! :D There were so many all-girl teams so I was pretty amazed! Some of them were pretty young too, like about secondary school age? Cheerleading has become a pretty popular sport, I think
There were so many teams which had yet to perform (the event had been delayed, like most events usually do), so in between Zhiwei and I kept taking photos lololol. Here's one with Bryan's teddy; WE NAMED HIM SHERLOCK!
Bryan had snuck us into this cordoned off area for team members (but everyone was doing so anyway hahah) so we got to at least see the performances up close! Unfortunately so many (taller) people kept blocking us along the way.
But when it was KR Steppers' turn we just ran to the front and started cheering like little kids!! :D I specially yelled Bryan's name for him but he told me later he didn't hear it hahahahaha
Snapped a quick shot then put Thom away to concentrate on their performance.
THEY WERE FANTASTIC!!! Let me share their video with you here:
Their final pyramid was so pretty!! Could really feel their energy and enthusiasm! I might be biased but I also like their uniforms most. Hahahahaah some of the teams there had really ugly uniforms D: Some were way too glittery *-*
After awhile they excitedly returned to us. Bryan returned very sweaty and sticky. Ahem
Happy for you dear!!
Bryan with Sikuan, Steppers' captain! (:

This has appeared on my blog before, haha. But in any case, I'm very proud of you for having made it through to nationals! And for achieving your back tuck that you were previously so afraid of doing. (: I can understand better why you've loved cheerleading since junior college
Haha koped the flower I bought for him
I also liked this team in particular, the only team that was sent from Thailand,
The video's not that fantastic though, sorry!
We then headed to McDonald's for a snack! Overheard a girl from another Singaporean team going "OMG I CAN FINALLY EAT MCDONALDS" Hahahaaahahah the flyers are such poor things! Always having to watch their weights before competitions ):
Thank you Ms Neo for being such great company :D (hehe I am going to see you later hahahahaha)
Attempting to subvert gender norms, bouquet by bouquet
They had to wait for the results to be announced, so Zhiwei and I left earlier, at about 9plus.
Guess what I got sent on Whatsapp on the way back?
:DDD They got Bronze! So happy for them. Bryan says they didn't expect to place at all, so they're really glad with this. Regardless of whether they got anything, I honestly feel that they had gone through SO MANY trainings and they had really fought hard so I'm just happy for them :DDD
Reached home a really tired girl (I had only 3 hours of sleep!) but I was greeted with this lovely thing:
A HUGE WHOPPING BOWL OF BIRD'S NEST SOUP! It was the expensive real kind, not the sweetened fake ones. (': I told my mom I wouldn't be able to finish it but as I sat on the couch tinkling with my photos I suddenly found the bottom of the bowl with my spoon sigh. I could eat bird's nest every day. Yes I know it's saliva. But it's yummy saliva LOL

I honestly think cheerleading's an interesting sport! As Zhiwei said, the image conjured up in her mind when I invited her to go along with me was
girls with pompoms. Well I guess they do have pompoms, but the exercises and hard physical work really should count too! Zhiwei asked for more videos because I told her Japanese teams are amazing, so here're a couple
Bryan posted that on his FB! His coach is Thai and Bryan says many Thai teams are awesome. Personally, I feel that all-girls Japanese teams are EVEN MORE CRAY CRAY
Check this particular one out:
Super super synchronised, and just -- those stunts!!!!! #heartsinmyeyes I got chills watching that video heh.
Slowly getting through my photos, bear with me, yeah? (: If you're revising furiously for finals, and are just here on a break, HANG IN THERE! It'll all be over soon.
Labels: b, CASNCC 2014, cheerleading, cheerleading stunts, happy days, such energy, Zaida