Last Friday, I went out with Vong! (: (: (:
Haven't met this dear girl for so long! I really missed her. When she was still in school, we would meet up to revise at least once during the semester, but now she's workingggggg and so very busy most of the time! So I was really happy that we got to catch up a little bit. We headed to
Ippudo Ramen at Mandarin Gallery for dinner!
I ordered an Akamaru Shin-Aji (without the tamago), whilst Vong got the original, Shiromaru Tamago! My broth had a heavier flavour because of the additional garlic oil. I really like it!!
After that, we rushed to get tickets for
The Grand Budapest Hotel. We would have been in time if not for this auntie cutting our queue. I sincerely think she believed she had the prerogative to cut our queue just because I'd accidentally stepped on her foot. LOL SORRY YEE. Seriously though, this auntie honestly didn't understand the concept of personal space and was standing right behind me. How could she blame me for accidentally stepping on her foot?!?!? But she was rather cunning, as she used her temporarily hurt state to cut our queue. Simply murmured "let me ask a question" and went ahead of us to buy her tickets lolol.
We missed a little of the beginning of the film but it wasn't anything crucial! I REALLY ENJOYED THE FILM. :D It was quirky, playful and funny. Most amazing were the beautiful SETS #heartsinmeeyes Because the film was set in a fictional European (and actually filmed entirely in Germany) country in the 1930s, both the outdoor and indoor sets were breathtakingly exquisite. From hotel lobbies dressed in swashes of colour and heavy velvet, to cramped wooden quarters in the train, to the snowcapped mountains, I LOVED THEM ALL. I also really liked Ralph Fiennes' performance! He was hilarious and melodramatic, I genuinely see past the no-nose Voldemort performance now. There were many other pretty well known actors in the film! Jude Law, Edward Norton, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe and Tilda Swinton. As I told Vong, I loved how the film was separated into chapters and each event moved to the next swiftly and always, in a very interesting way. I just love it when films make us aware that we, as cinema-goers, are listening to a story that consists of characters in that particular story that made include other story-tellers as well. HELLO HETERODIEGETIC AND EMBEDDED VOICE-OVER NARRATORS HAHAHAH #thesisreminders
Love you dear! (: Thanks for the awesome company hehe :D Let's meet again this week!!
We ended at about 11pm and I then headed off to
Woohoo, was so early that the dancefloor was empty. I just sat in the Velvet Underground console listening to Hong play and chatting to him occasionally. I was feeling rather sleepy because of the film!
But my sleepiness was soon remedied - Hong bought me my own jug of whiskey! LOL. After seeing my empty cup, he went "EH YOU DRINK SO FAST I BUY YOU YOUR OWN JUG LA" Hahahahah. Sadly he has to always monitor his drinking speed 'cos as the DJ, you ain't got no time to go to the bathroom yo
Anyway the design team at Zouk's really cool; that night's poster was really nice:
After awhile, Jeroen arrived! His DJ moniker is
Secret Cinema, and he is a TECHNO LORD. Lol no joke here's the proof:
He appeared in The Straits Times! Hehehe
I first met him in Amsterdam, and his set at ADE '12 was SO CRAZY. I still remember the stage pulsing, because the bass from the speakers was just insane. To say I was looking forward to his set at Zouk is kind of an understatement! I only wished the floors at Zouk could go up and down as well hehehe.
Had so much fun! I genuinely love techno so much. (: am so happy that I discovered electronic music, and from listening to the more commercial stuff delved into the fewer than 1000 views tracks on YouTube hahahahha (I kid; it doesn't mean something not well known is something definitely good). I genuinely love Zouk and the company I get at Zouk! Hong wasn't feeling too well but he still entertained me
I was like "what kind of act cute pose is that"
Burst out laughing cos I couldn't do it and look at his amused expression hahahaha
Had to squeeze my eyes shut if not Id be giggling hahahahhah
Hong played quite a few tracks that I really liked! Here they are:
Usually I shazam the songs to get the names because I don't want to get into Hong's way, but that night my phone connection was really bad so I kept walking up to the mixer to peer at the track names. I tweeted something about my always getting awesome techno tracks when Hong plays and look at Hong's reply haha:

Honestly though, the names! Conjure Balearia! I remembered it 'cos we took this ferry line from Ibiza to Palma! Was pretty tickled when I saw it.
Really had an amazing time just dancing awayyyyyyyyy :DD Jeroen played till 5am but I had to leave earlier 'cos I left my bag in Zouk and they were closing up! I managed to say hi to Jarl as well; I always just bump into him at Members but never actually hung out with him. Always nice to hang out with friends :D
The next morning I woke up feeling extremely happy and spent almost the entire day lying on my bed throwing up my pillow up to the ceiling. :D
You can check out more of Hong's music here:
Labels: dancing nights, DJ, happy days, Hong, I LOVE TECHNO, Ippudo Ramen, Parallel Zouk, Secret Cinema, techno, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Velvet Underground, Zouk, Zouk SG