Yesterday, I was really clumsy. Firstly, when I pressed the pump of my Shu Uemura Poreraser primer, it went wonky and primer got everywhere - on my dresser, my pillow and the floor. The next clumsy thing was when I was sharpening my eyebrow pencil; the sharpener somehow escaped my hold and dropped to the ground, breaking open in the process and flinging eyebrow pencil shavings and other crayon-like substance over a substantial area of the ground. I was really waiting for the third thing to happen. I am pretty superstitious; I believe that good/bad things happen in threes. That's a particular belief I subscribe to, anyway. I was slightly amused when it didn't come true, and feeling a tad glad, because my day actually went well. I made good progress in my revision for my last exam, I also had a good catchup with Boss, and at night Bryan walked me out to the bus stop to catch my bus. Little did I know, the third and last thing would occur, but much delayed it was.
I had a terrible nightmare. I couldn't wake up from it, and I was horribly frightened throughout the night. It felt so real, and I was reliving the fears, again. When I woke up, whilst I knew it was irrational to be scared, I still felt very vulnerable, hurt and violated. I had thought I was making good progress, and that there were only good days ahead, but it seems as if this thing would hit me when it's least expected. I can only pray and hope that my thoughts are strong, and that I will emerge from this even better a person.
Dreams are scary. Dreams are scary because they're usually a manifest of something real, in more warped and more twisted ways.