Greetings! I am aware that my photobucket bandwidth has exceeded (hence the presence of the annoying 'reminders') so I've switched over to my other account! For now,
the photos of the past entries won't be there, I'm afraid. Hopefully my bandwidth for the previous account will get renewed soon!
You know how sometimes in life you just need that
little push off the cliff while you're contemplating the extent of your fear of heights to get going and DO SOMETHING? Today I received something like that. The start of my day was quite odd, because I had this niggling feeling that something was wrong, and I was just feeling restless and moody. Ergo, I spent the entire afternoon watching tutorials on Youtube and reading
Caroline Hirons, who is amazing when it comes to skincare and beauty products.
Compelled to search for certain beauty items I'd previously forgotten about, in my search through a huge container, I came across
cards and notes written by friends through the past years! I'm quite the hoarder, so I have bits and pieces even from primary school. It felt as if I was
meant to go in search for my lost sachets and bottles of products, to discover these gems. Read through some of them and I was surprised to find myself tearing up! To make matters worse, darn my younger brother, he was blasting some 90s sappy music, which made me feel even more like bawling. Cards from so many people... Some of them hilarious (case in point: shot glass), some of them bittersweet, some of them just encouraging and nostalgic! We went through so much through those school years, and whilst we were young, I think, personally, I fought a lot. Not physically, but I really stood for my beliefs. Thus, to have friends write and tell me that they are happy to have met and known me really makes me feel like I matter to a certain extent. One person wrote that he felt that I had my heart in the right place, which I feel is a high compliment. (':
This little discovery has given me strength to go on ahead and fight for what I want. Thank you friends for having been by my side for so long!
The fighting will have to start after I finish this photolog first, though, hehehehe.
I went out with two exquisite ladies one day last month, separately, though!
Wearing Nars'
Funny Face on my lips! Curled my hair for the fun of it, too.
Guess who was in town? :DDD
Tadah! I was playing host to her while Melcher went to give tuition, but she was the one with a location in mind: went to
Galicier Pastry at Tiong Bahru!
To be extremely honest, if Ayano hadn't mentioned this place to me, I would never have known about it. Being a local, it's really easy to get such
kueh at neighbourhood areas, and I wouldn't think to search specifically for a confectionery that specialises in
I tried my best to tell her which was which and I'm glad that I knew most of them!! :D Food holds dear memories; I recall fondly the way I peeled off each layer of
kueh lapis when I was a kid. It was such an old-school place. Check out the containers in the background - they also make cookies such as
kueh bangkit! I LOVE
KUEH BANGKIT, IT'S SO AROMATIC AND TASTY. I legitimately polish them off during Chinese New Year.
Ayano bought some that she wanted, and I also got some! I bought the
kueh dadar (green coloured roll with coconut filling; Galicier's one is different in that it has white coloured filling instead of the usual orange coloured one!), pandan chiffon cake,
kueh kosui (steamed palm sugar kueh with grated coconut sprinkled all over it) and
kueh salat (the two layered kueh with a green layer on top, which is pandan, and a white one below, which is rice - MY FAVOURITE) home. My parents and I shared all three small
kueh when I reached home and they all passed the parent-test (my mommy and daddy are so fussy eaters, ugh it's so difficult to please them)!!! Yay. I really liked how moist the pandan cake was as well, when I had it for breakfast the next day!
If you're interested to head there, here're the details!
Galicier Confectionery
Blk 55 Tiong Bahru Road #01-39
10am to 9pm Daily
It's about a 10-15 min walk from Tiong Bahru MRT station; if the weather permits it's actually quite a nice stroll! If it's raining you probably should take the bus.
I also found this drawn poster on the multiple types of
kueh we have in Singapore; it was circulating on Facebook awhile back! It's illustrated by Lee Xin Li and you can find it here:
We desperately needed a break from the sweltering heat so we popped into
Drips Cafe.
Yay, got the couch :D
It was my first time there in Tiong Bahru (not for Zouk hahahahahahaha, I mean) and I finally understand what people mean when they say it's the hipster area for cafes - there are genuinely SO MANY around!

Cutiepie :3
Bought us iced teas and that was a lemon meringue tart!
The cafe was quite small; I think it can hold up to 35 persons max?
The cafe's selling point was a huge sign outside of its shop front going: "We specialise in TARTS". *sniggers* Joking aside, they really had a large assortment of tarts! However, I went with this because I absolutely cannot resist lemon meringue tarts.
This particular one was so yummyyyyyyyyy. The tart base was just at the right level of crunchy, and it wasn't flaky. But my favourite part was the marriage between the nicely tart lemon curd and the sticky meringue! I love that the meringue wasn't too sweet. (: Would definitely go back again for the lemon meringue tart hehehehe.
We sat just chit-chatting for awhile about random things, our exchange semesters, life in Singapore, life in Tokyo, and some other girly stuff that you shall not be privy to. :p Melcher arrived after he was done with his tuition! He bought a quiche because his interaction with children had left him void of energy. I kid. He simply was hungry:
According to him it was good! It looks good, doesn't it? I was actually eyeing it while making my purchase, but as I said, can't resist lemon meringue tarts!
I really enjoyed the bright and cheery atmosphere in the cafe, and the simple yet quaint decoration! Here's the link to Drips Cafe's website, if you'd like to check it out:
Left the two lovebirds alone and I headed to town to find Flea Ng! :DDDDDD Woohoo!
Sephora was having a huge 20% sale for its members and I was only supposed to accompany her but I ended up buying some stuff as well, for my mom and myself. WE SPENT A WHOPPIN' 3 HOURS IN THERE! Swatching stuff and trying things out. I'm generally more cautious regarding buying makeup nowadays simply because I have so many products with me and I gotta make every new purchase count. They gotta value-add, man. I'm rather happy with one product that I got though, might make a new tutorial about that!
At 9.30pm we finally went for dinner (the lemon meringue tart was kind of my breakfast, though *-* )!
Was just checking out how dishevelled my hair was in my phone, and spotted this little dude photobombing me!!! :D Hehe he looks so curious.
Had a great time catching up over lunch and talking about sports such as basketball!!!! HAHAHAAHA

Love you bestie.
Omg is up with my body clock it's 4:14 am already?!!?!? D: I didn't even realise it's so late.... Or so early. Depending on whether you sleep at the same time I do, i.e. you're a night owl, or not. I have to get to sleep. (: Hope you all try out both Galicier Pastry and Drips Cafe, and umm a Sephora haul? LOL.
Love you all!
Labels: Beauty, Cafe Hoppin, Drips Cafe, Fleur, friends, Galicier Pastry Tiong Bahru, local food, makeup, Sephora, SINGAPORE FOOD