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Monday, October 20, 2014


Replying tags!

interesting girl:
hello. I love your blog. Guess what I'm doing nw? Doing a photoshoot for my garbage. I'm interesting too. In a way, I'm pretty interesting too. Join me in garbage collecting!

Hi interesting girl on another continent.  I AM A FELLOW GARBAGE COLLECTOR NOW WHOOP

hey sup. cool blog

'sup.  Thanks.

I haven't seen Mars Attack before =| Final destination 3 tanning beds - totally remembered the slurpee haha.

Noooooooooooooo you must watch it it's like the most ridiculous show ever.  I wanna rewatch it let's watch it let's do ittttttttttt.  How is school treating you???  (:

hello! i'm a friend of a friend of yours and i just happened to chance upon your blog today, we've actually met irl before haha but anw just wanted to say i really enjoyed reading your blog
i actl didn't get any work done tonight cos i spent so much time reading HAHA but your candour is refreshing (: & loving your photos + fashion sense/gorg makeup!
good luck with everything and you have yourself a fan ;) i'll definitely be checking in regularly! :)

Aww hi!  Those are really flattering words, thank you so much!  I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed reading my blog!  :D  Hope your work wasn't pressing, heh.  Thanks again for leaving a tag!

As always, much love for the tags!

I was lucky enough to score a date with this beautiful lady last Friday!

Well you were clogged up, quite a bit, but still beautiful!  Heehee


(:  I'm really happy whenever you're free to meet me because you're really such a busy person (WE JUST DON'T MEET UP ENOUGH).  More than that though, you are also one of the strongest persons I know, being incredibly independent and yet still has a laid back disposition.  I'm flattered whenever you turn to me for advice regarding your difficulties because I genuinely want to be there for you when you're at life's low points.  Anyway, you are not a great listener okay - I WANT YOU TO TALK MORE.  Your words have been snatched from you; you ought to talk more, express your opinions and make yourself HEARD.  Especially when you're out with the love guru hahahahaha


"My ends are dead"

We were at Stateland Cafe on Bali Lane, just next to Haji Lane!

I had an insane craving for waffles and was researching for which cafe's to try out - Stateland Cafe was one of the contenders, along with Strangers' Reunion, Waffle Slayer, Creamier and Department of Caffeine!  Of course Wimbly Lu is amazing as well (read about my previous visits: here and here), but I had wanted to try a new place out!  I'll do the others soon heh.

We were swayed by our hunger and decided to get a savoury dish to share as well!  We had both intended to get waffles, but don't you feel like when you're really hungry, you just want to have savoury food instead of sweet ones?


Always happy on days when I can indulge :DDDDDDD

Clumsy me knocked the flowers out of the glass bottle after snapping this shot hehehe.  They're fake, if you were wondering.

This was the Tomato Cream pasta ($10.90) with chorizos and we chose an add-on of mushrooms ($2)! I would say..... Skip this totally.  It was just there to fill our tummies; I would just prepare this at home!  The sauce was runny and there wasn't something to bind all the different ingredients together.  It felt like they were carelessly thrown together.

Managed to bring Thom out however, to take beautiful shots of the star of the day!

Red Velvet chocolate waffles with cream cheese glaze, chocolate sauce and a scoop of Vanilla gelato ($14.90)!

Here's a close-up:

The waffles had a bite to it, was fluffy but not crazily so; perhaps the cocoa powder in the mix prevents it from being too fluffy.  It doesn't really matter because the combination of flavours is SICK.  Totally digging the burst of sourness from the raspberries, because the sweetness of the cream cheese and the chocolate sauce really complement it.  The chocolate flakes and chocolate chips in the actual waffle are a real treat too!  They're only semi-sweet, so the entire dish doesn't make your taste buds feel like they're drowning in honey.  I LOVE THE CHOCOLATE-RASPBERRY-CREAMCHEESE THREESOME SO MUCH.  Throw in the Vanilla gelato, which isn't frosty at all, and just slightly creamy, it'd be a swinger party.

I had read somewhere before that only people of lower classes describe food as orgasmic.  People of higher classes describe food in non-sexual ways.  I guess I belong to the bottom of the food chain then. Hehehhehe

The interior of the cafe's pretty much just rough grey walls, with many shining lightbulbs to destroy the lighting of your photos, and cute wooden tables.  Head there with brilliant company and order the Red Velvet waffles, and everything else dims in comparison (besides the bloody shining lightbulbs).

Changed my lipstick from a red (Rimmel's Diva Red) to a purple (Sleek's Mystic) 'cos I knew in my gut it didn't fit with my outfit!  Gannuer agreed.

Love you gannuer, thanks for accompanying me to indulge in my waffle craving!

Here're Stateland Cafe's details if you'd like:

Stateland Cafe Facebook

Opening hours
Mon: 12 pm - 10 pm
Wed - Thu: 12 pm - 10 pm
Fri - Sat: 12 pm - 12 am
Sun: 12 pm - 10 pm

I really recommend the Red Velvet waffle if you love the red velvet combination.  I've seen recommendations for its Honey Toast as well, can't wait to go back there to try that!

We still had a couple of hours to kill before our separate engagements, so we randomly chose a bar on Haji Lane for a beer.

Merdandy's was its name, I recall.

Happy hour prices meant we got two Kronenbourgs for $11!

'twas a good afternoon!  Had a really chill out time laughing about tables, growing up, life's goals, traveling and all those small little things that feel like they mean so much to us now but are probably gonno something we would laugh at a few years down the road.  Like how I spit ice at Gannuer this one time during recess and she chased me around the canteen.  Twice.  This girl has some stamina going on there.

Also, thank you to Papa Wong for getting macarons from La Madison Du Chocolat in Paris!  They're such a treat (:

Heheheheheehehhe Papa Wong and Gannuer are such a cute pair.


I've been neglecting some of my writings for a bit but my head is brimming with ideas!  Coming up soon, I promise!!!



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;3:24 PM
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Go earlier!


twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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