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Wednesday, December 31, 2014


It's New Year's Eve!

How did we come to this?  This year seems to have flown by.  Alberta and I were talking about how these past few weeks have been really exhausting for the both of us, and we were lamenting and groaning about how we wished this year would just pass already - "It's just two more days, babe!"  I had chirped - but in retrospect, 2014 has been quite the roller coaster ride.  In terms of the highs and lows though, I definitely think there have been more highs than lows.  The lows being, not being able to handle certain situations especially with the family well, moving on from a failed romantic relationship and not staying true to myself during certain workplace events, but the highs being, I MADE IT THROUGH 4 YEARS OF UNIVERSITY WITH A DEAN'S LIST ACHIEVEMENT TO BOOT!, getting a job, growing and learning loads more as a person (on my way to becoming the best and most mature yet still fun-loving and spontaneous person EVER) and just being a positive influence to people around me in general.

So whilst these few days have been trying, I take heart in knowing that there are good days and there are bad days, and even during the bad ones there will be some good that I can take from it.  Not to say that bad days aren't worthy as well.  Sometimes I revel in sadness, knowing that dark places are where I draw my strength from.

Having said that, have some pretty overdue photos!

This is the Late Plate Cafe at NUS, located at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House!  I've blogged about it before - have a read if you would like: click!  I last went there in September/October I think, and they had just undergone an interior uplift revamp; here are their new cute tables and chairs!  No more peeling leather.

As always, the food was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

We received complimentary ice cream from the chef Gilbert again.  He's really nice and friendly!  Here're their deets:

Opening Hours:
Mondays - Wednesdays: 1000 - 1800
Thursdays - Fridays: 1000 - 2000
Saturdays: 1000 - 1600
It's closed on Sundays!

Headed to Vivocity where I posed with furrowed brows in the glaring sunlight.

The EL peeps met for dinner at Ambush at Dhoby Ghaut, where we had a mini send-off for Joji, who's currently overseas doing her Masters programme!

I remember we had the best HTHT conversations that evening, and Mor very hilariously scolded me regarding some of my choices when it came to romantic relationships and friendships.  Genuinely speaking, some paths of my friends are on such a different trajectory than mine that sometimes I feel like such an alien speaking to them about my emotions and decisions.  They're all still very supportive thou, which I think is the basis of friendships, that we support each other no matter what and we also call each other out on stupid mistakes and actions regardless of whether we'd be offended/hurt.  It was really cute how Mor and Joji said they still have some ways to go before being able to understand my level of thinking and being, but I honestly didn't want them to feel that way!  In case you are confused, we were on the subject on being alone and not needing romantic relationships.  We are all on different paths and we have had different experiences - more importantly, we yearn to attain different goals and we want to hit different markers in life, so we are all unique.  Hopefully we can get together again soon and catch up again once Joji and Junyong are back in Singapore!

In Singapore, one of the highlights of the year is the F1 period as well.  Well I'd worked as a Singtel Grid Girl in 2011, and mostly what I could remember was the roars of the car engines.  And how speedy the cars were - they basically shot past in a whir of blur.  I think watching the race on the telly is more informative, to be honest.  But excitement wise, being there in the area's definitely a kick.  With the night race come many night events and celebrations, so this year I was out with friends at 1-Altitude at Raffles Place!

With Matty, Adriel, Cheryl, Flea and Oliver!

We also dropped by the Vault for a bit where my ass got grabbed.  It wasn't a pleasant experience.  People, please don't go around pinching strangers' butts.  I didn't tell Cheryl, but she would have kicked that man's butt fo' sure, that's how much Cheryl takes care of Flea and me!  :D

Heheheh.  Cheryl was so caught up in the music!  I wasn't dancing much though, the lack of air conditioning was making me soooooo uncomfortable.

Headed over to Kyo to find Nicholas afterward.

This photo is taken by Afiq, owner of Colossal Photos, and new friend of mine!  He's such a positive influence in my life, I'm so glad we met and became friends.  (:

You can obviously tell which tone of photo I prefer.  Go check out Colossal Photos on Facebook, I love their work: click here!  I had such a good time at Kyo, it was a Friday night and the tech house played there was just so up my alley I really just got into it and didn't stop dancing.  Check out kyo here; it's fast becoming one of my favourite clubs.

I recently met Zhiwei for dinner at Fish&Co. at Jurong Point!

I love you so much I can't even express how much I love you.  That's how much I love you.  Anyway we had an absolutely satisfying dinner in which we ingested loads of carbohydrates, sugars, and oils.  I also had tangyuan and that my friends, is always a good thing.  Sorry I was exhausted thou.  I was spacing out a bit.

Anyway she shared this with me today, which I think ought to be shared with whomever I can, so yes. In this new year, I wish for you to make mistakes as well.  Neil Gaiman is one of my favourite authors by the way!

In this new year I also managed to catch up with Louis, who is doing his Masters programme in Taiwan!

I miss you already, my favourite Belgian.

I brought Nicholas to eat Santouka Ramen because his favourite is Marutama, and while Marutama is nice, Santouka is nicer.  Okay to each their own, I shan't enforce my beliefs on others blahblah.  But he really liked it!

On Instagram I captioned this:

"Loves are like two halves of a tamago.  Stuck to each other, shrouded in mystery, clinging to the other for security and protection.  All seems well and perfect.  When separated, it is revealed - each person possessed hidden precious essence in themselves; there is something more within them that shines through, that appeals even more to onlookers.  They can never be caged again.  Each discovered that they can truly be who they are, without restraints or shackles.  Today I wax lyrical about an egg."

I truly believe that it was with this post that I started posting a lot of random shit on Instagram.  Hahahahaha.  It's funny how different aspects of my character and personality are more salient on different social media platforms.  I'm an absolute doofus on Instagram; follow me if you would like to: @greekhoney

This was when I still wasn't working, and could run about on empty streets at 1, 2am in the wee of the morning.  Life was slightly more carefree then.

Mommy and Daddy also celebrated their 27th year of being married to each other!

One of my New Year's resolutions (I have never made any in the previous years, but this year I am filled with determination to get a list out) for 2015 is to be more responsible in my behaviours toward my parents (and brothers).  On hindsight, I have been an utter terror to my mother and father in this year.  How many sleepless nights have they been worried about me, I wonder?  This year, I shall be responsible to them in telling them my thoughts, emotions and experiences, and regardless of how much flak and nagging I know I will receive from them, I will not shy away from it!

We had XLBs at Din Tai Fung.

I have been Papa's secret flower buying partner for years.

Yesterday, I brought my friends to my uncle's western food stall:

I hope y'all had a nice dinner!  (:  I know the black pepper was a bit too fiery for some hahaha.  The name of the place is 5 Star Corner (quite cheesy, I know, but the food does deserve a 5/5, and the shop is located in the corner stall of the coffeeshop), and the address is 805 Hougang Central #01-116 S 530805.

With Melcher, Nathalie, Ayano, Han Zong, Alyssa and Alberta!

As always, our conversations were lively and animated.  I was really bursting out in laughters at certain parts of the night.  Especially when they said they would still be my friends if I had long and bright blue dyed underarm air.  HAHAHAHA.  Gosh I love you all!  My friendships with the EL group will forever be something I hold close to my heart.  Somehow you lovely and beautiful people just possess the ability to express your intellect and insights wonderfully, and that's just so highly attractive.  Hopefully we will have another gathering soon!

Another resolution that I have decided on is that I will, to the best of my abilities, treat both female and male friends alike.  This popped into my head yesterday night when I gave Ayano, Aly, Bert and Nat hugs whilst saying goodbye, but didn't hug Han Zong and Melcher!  WHAT IS THE REASON FOR SUCH UNFAIR TREATMENT?  I mean, for me they're all equally important friends, and the only possible reason for not hugging the guys is because they're male and society enforces a no-touch rule even between friends.  Doesn't make sense.  I'll of course ask for permission first, else some guy friend would be pretty shocked because of sudden changed behaviour HAHAHA.

This was taken today:

I am ill, with a flu and a bad sore throat.  Yesterday I went to bed with itchy eyes and a dull ache in my head.  The lack of sleep has caught up to me!  The past few weeks have been rough.  With work, with everything else, and with my own aspirations and goals.  I also have been driving pretty badly, and I think that's getting to me.  I drugged up on Fedac (pseudo-ephedrine) and Chinese herbal water - a combination I don't recommend to anyone.  But I feel better now.

.... And I'm heading out to this event with Yihan!

Yayzx.  Pretty stoked for it.   'cept.. because of my procrastination, I'm not too sure if we can get in.  Hahahahaha.  So we might end up elsewhere.  Text me if you wanna hang!

I'm pretty happy I'm spending tonight with Yihan as well.  He's just such a special person to me.  Recently I told him that I was a failure in Life.  And I received a pretty harsh reply:

"Why would you say that though? I mean if you're comparing yourself to other people then you should know that what you're seeing is their highlight reel. People rarely post their bloopers on social media. 

I mean you're the most interesting person I know. You've probably hit markers people would consider as living life. In any case no one fails at life cause there's no one benchmark for life. Who cares what people set as their own criteria for living life. Live your own. If not attaining dreams you've set for yourself is to you failing, then I'm sorry to tell you that most people don't think so and I would like you to think different as well. I don't hit many of the goals I set for myself but I think it's just means I'm alive and the world doesn't make things easy. But this is not about me. 

So I hope you will get out of this funk soon. Don't think backwards. Think forwards."

Sometimes people around me just surprise me with their words.  I have been setting certain goals for myself that I have been failing to achieve, and because of this, I really have been fucking upset and just... melancholic.  My disposition is negative, to say the least.  So with Yihan highlighting that it's not necessarily a bad thing that we aren't hitting set goals, it's really made me feel a lot better.  At the very least, I have aspirations, and I am not defeated, which is always a good thing, right?

This entry has been so disjointed!  I hope you are able to get through it.

All in all, I wish for this new year to be a better one for you.  I hope you fall and make mistakes, I hope you shine and succeed lovely goals you set for yourself, I wish you be kind to the people around you (and strangers alike), I wish you find out more about yourself and become more comfortable with that person, I want you love and yearn passionately,  I want you to be the best you can be, and I want you to cry and be vulnerable.  I want you to be all that you can be, from the depths of my heart, I wish you all the best!


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;6:28 PM
Go later!

Go earlier!


twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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