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Saturday, December 20, 2014

qualify your thoughts

Today (this was written many many days ago), I bristled when an acquaintance, a foreigner, said Singlish sounds horrible (I think I hid it pretty well thou). I did let him speak on, and it turns out that he believes that dialects of his own country's language sound displeasing to the - his - ear as well.  When I asked him for the reasons the behind his sentiment, he couldn't say anything but shrug. 

I know everyone's entitled to their opinions, and languages are emotive (hence irrational and/or unreasonable reasons) but honestly, a language is given meaning by its user; please do understand that there exist groups (large groups at that) of people who actively use Singlish and will fiercely defend it for their emotive connections to it and its efficiency amongst other reasons.  If you can't qualify how your emotions about a certain topic/matter/issue then you are someone whom which engagement with is difficult to carry out, thus I don't want to even bother trying. 


My mom said that recently, the words that have left my mouth are all said in a non-sensible manner.  It's the lack of sleep.

I'm so fucking tired and unhappy today. 

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;12:01 PM
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twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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