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Wednesday, December 24, 2014


So I recorded quite a number of snippets of tracks I liked from ZoukOut, because my 3G reception was really bad and hence my Shazam and SoundHound apps were failing me, so I thought recordings would be the easiest; I could just try to get the track names after the event.  Right now, I'm trying to re-Shazam/SoundHound the tracks.

But I absolutely cannot get results.  The thing is, I can't be sure if it's just plain bad sound quality, or if the tracks themselves are so obscure/haven't been released that Shazam/SoundHound don't even have them down on record.

THIS IS SO UPSETTING.  ;_;  I'm pretty sure they're too obscure because of the stage I was at (Star Stage), and because for some of the DJs' recent live sets elsewhere, I've checked the tracklists and they're mostly full of ID - ID, which means the DJs themselves prefer to use their own unique arrangements of the songs for different live sets, so much so that the track-identifying apps are unable to identify them.  Or users of Shazam/Sound hound don't even bother trying to update the names of these tracks.

I need to be musically enriched.  Sigh I was full of anticipation for this night of enlightenment.  Off to listen to more obscure live sets with the slightest shimmer of hopes that I would magically come across these highly desired tracks.

For now here's one track I managed to catch:

Today I feel so much like a failure.

The dinner I had planned for the EL kids fell through.  I realise the difficulty in getting many people whom lead very exciting and eventful lives to gather, and I don't really mind if we don't get to meet because hey, we #FRIENDSFO'LIFE so we have till we're 80 years old to meet for dinner anyway - also dinner happens daily, so that's approximately 20,000 nights from which our meet-ups can happen.

From all my experience from going out to events that others have planned and being the event planner - I usually fall in the latter group thou - I have come to realise that there are certain types of categories that we each fall into, depending on the response we give after receiving an invitation to an event:

A. Spontaneous: Replies immediately with availability.
B. Qualified spontaneity: Replies after checking if close(r) friends are going.
C. Half arsed: Feel like going, but not sure if will be tired/can't make it on actual date
D. Extremely busy: have to book at least 3 or 4 months in advance
E. No-show: Never turns up for events, probably does not prioritise this group of friends
F. No-show + is a douche about it: Never turns up for events, but is unhappy about not receiving an invitation
G. Total jerk: says will turn up but pulls out last minute
H. Legitimate last minute no-show: force majeure - okay that's a bit too terrible.  I'm referring to unforeseen circumstances such as falling ill

I'm not complaining about anyone or anything; I've definitely been in each and every one of these roles before.  Especially to close friends, I'm a total jerk sometimes.  I'd say something along the lines of "I feel like shit today.  Can we not meet today"


But I just feel doubly shitty today because I was happily busy at work and just working my ass off, looking forward to our dinner at the end of the evening.  But even my parents were busy and couldn't have dinner with me.  I ate dinner by myself in an empty house.  Okay no my younger brother was snoring away in his room.

I'm such a sob today.  I feel so much like a failure.  Today is a bad day.  I have to be up in less than 4 hours.

;1:27 AM
Go later!

Go earlier!


twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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