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Monday, January 26, 2015

freq'ender 2014, pasta, truffle fries and miam miam, little matthias

Here're some overdue photos from last year that I refuse to just keep in dusty folders in my laptop because 1) They're keepsakes of awesome memories 2) I need some reminder of happy times right now to stop myself from sinking into a funk.

So I'm not much a Halloween person because I'm terrible at arts and costumes and just holidays in general but for last year's Halloween, I went with Yihan to Freq'ender!  It was a 2-night event organised by kyo.

We only went for 31 Oct's but that's because the first night's lineup was AMAZIN'.  Also, it was a birthday present from me to Yihan.  The both of us were excited for Hot Chip and 2manydjs!

Here's the lineup for Day 1.

My photos are all pretty much of this blurry quality.... I do not apologise because I was more preoccupied with shazaming tracks!  Yihan and I don't even have a photo together hahahahaha.

Sante played this.

Hot Chip played Sasha's remix of their track Flutes, and I was positively beaming from ear to ear because I could tell that they were playing it a long way ahead.  Like, they were just playing the bassline for a long time and creeping it in into the next song - I remember grabbing Yihan and being so excited. Lmao

I didn't know much about Doorly besides his remix of Corbu's We Are Sound but for me he played the best set that night!  Really groovy yet deep enough.  He also played his remix of Tiga's Bugatti, which was unreleased at that point of time but has now since been released on Turbo Recordings!

I went absolutely bonkers when this was played because IT'S SO GODDAMN DANCEY, HARD AND STACCATO just the way I like it!  Yihan says he has yet to warm up to it because it's too "raw" for him.

Here're some other tracks I really liked from that night!  2manydjs' set turned out to be just alright for me.  I still feel like Doorly's was the best.

I love the strings on this track SO. MUCH.

I really had so much fun.  The location was great; Infinite Studios is at Buona Vista, so a little far but Yihan and I managed to drive there (though we got lost a few times).  IT'S SO AMAZINGLY SPACIOUS THOUGH, and it was air-conditioned so it was lovely to have space to dance around and be kept chilled (it is as if we are meat packages).  I didn't manage to get a disco nap before the event so I was really tired and slept on the way back but we got my phone to work with the car's stereo and upon waking up, Orbital's Belfast was playing and that I feel, was the best way to end the night.  Since it had already turned into morning and that track is simply magical for early mornings.


This gathering occurred earlier than Halloween, I think:

We went to Old Street Bak Kut Teh at Upper Paya Lebar Road for dinner!  Thank you friends for agreeing to meet there for me (I was heading for my driving lesson after work and only had a short 1hr 15min period for dinner)!

HMMMMMMM  I think the bkt was alright!  Not spectacular but worth the money?  I think each of us paid $9 for the dishes you see above.

Went to get some tea (for them) and coffee (for me, 'cos I was EXHAUSTED), and we caught up a little!

It's been quite a few months but thankfully I still see y'all quite frequently.  (:  Very glad for the effort made to still stay in each other's lives!


This photo was taken on the 19th of November '14.  It is unfiltered.  MY SKIN WAS OKAY THEN, OH GOD WHAT HAS THIS PERIOD OF THREE MONTHS DONE TO ME.  It's absolute rubbish now and I'm trying my best to save it by double- no, TRIPLE cleansing.  And I totally don't touch my spots anymore; your fingers carry a lot of bacteria.  My therapist also told me to lay off the makeup and I guess I've been wearing less makeup recently?  Still working on that though.  I have to wash my makeup brushes later!

Anyway it was a Wednesday and the parents and brother went along with my whim to have pasta thus we found ourselves at Pasta J.

Beers mid-week and extremely yummy food with the family; 'twas a good night!

The Mac n Cheese is a definite must-try!  It's now called the Mad Mac & Cheese 3.0 With Pork Sausage Patty ($15.90).  My mom prefers it without the sausage patty because she's not a big fan of meat.

Happy Papa

Silly Mama

Here's the Rustic Pork Chops (S$16.90).  The price has really gone up quite a bit - it used to be 12.90 I think - but it's still my favourite to eat because the pork chops are really just so succulent and extremely well seasoned!  The pan fried mushrooms are to die for, plus if you're a fan of garlic, the roasted ones on this dish really taste so nutty and are so fragrant.

On that particular day, I decided to try the Garlic Herb Chicken pasta but it was a tad too salty for me.  I wouldn't recommend this!

Papa and Kor

Anyway Pasta J is really quite a nice place to dine at if you stay in the North!  Pretty happy that it's shifted to Upper Thomson Road from Tanjong Pagar because it's nearer to my place now.


Went out with Boss the other day.  He has since flown to another continent sigh.  The continent that I want to be on.  I'M ON THE WRONG CONTINENT SOBS.

We went to the Five Izakaya Bar outlet at Maxwell without knowing it was the Vietnamese influenced one and were quite surprised by the food choices.  Didn't get a proper dinner in the end and settled for bar snacks!

Truffle friessssssssssssssssssss we ordered.  They were not bad.  I had a craving for it.  But no place's will beat P.S Cafe's or White Rabbit's!

Also had Yamazaki on the rocks!!!  Whoop.

Also had Calamari rings and you see my second drink of a Gin&tonic there.  Kevin has gotten me liking Hendricks and Tanqueray 10s!

We then went to Loof because I still felt like zoning out.  I was really tired but just felt like staying out and soaking in the happy atmosphere from others whom did not have to work the next day.

Wearing True Colour Lipstick in Vamp from Sleek
(I generally won't recommend the matte lipsticks from Sleek to anyone with dry/really dry lips, because while the colour payoff is amazing, the lipsticks are EXTREMELY drying.  If you really want to try it, do make sure you have a very good lip balm put on way before you apply the Sleek lipstick!)

Miss you already Boss, hope you're not freezing to death in Budapest right now.


Recently, I went to Miam Miam with Moritza!  Miam Miam's slogan is The French Cafe with a Japanese Twist.  Everything's so... fusion nowadays.  We are surpassing traditional boundaries, people. It leads to good results:

This not really French, not really Italian, not really Japanese pasta was really good!  I think the addition of toasted sesame seeds really added a depth of flavour to the entire dish.  I also loved the straw mushrooms.

We also shared the Valrhona Chocolate Souffle!  This consistency was nice; it was fluffy and the chocolate was not too sweet.  Chocolate's always good, anyway!

I also had a peanut butter and banana milkshake.  It was yummy.

(wearing NYX Lipstick in Merlot)

We definitely had way too much to talk about but I just want to say that I'm so so so very proud of you for being such a strong lady and for showing so much maturity even though you've been going through such difficult times.  I don't think we got to know each other much during our university years but I've always known that you possess a good heart, that you're kind and you care deeply for others, and I just want you to know that I will always be here for you.   I know you'll be alright (but if you're not, I will be around if you want to rant/cry/talk/sob/scream/just sit around/eat ice cream/ANYTHING) and you'll be a better person past all these. *HUGSYOUTODEATH*


More recently, I have been spending Saturdays working out, very specifically, my right arm.

Because I've been carrying this little kid around, and he weighs about 7kg.

(:  He's really such a cutiepie and it just makes me happy to be able to make him laugh!

Hehehehehe he really is a bundle of joy!


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;11:21 PM
Go later!

Go earlier!


twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




Layout & Image: !zrow