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Sunday, February 1, 2015


Yesterday whilst showering before getting ready to head out to Zouk, I had some thoughts in my mind that I wanted to write down.

In the rush of applying makeup and drying my hair, I promptly forgot what it was that I had wanted to write about.  There was another day that I was really inspired by something that I had read, and then I forgot it a little while later.  These things upset me greatly, because my memory is one thing I'm rather proud of, and for such incidents to occur puts me out quite a bit.

I think what I had been contemplating was about words...  And the power of words.  My writing process is very much inspired by occurrences around me and the things people say.  The other day, my mom and I were at Swensen's for lunch.  While placing our order, we enquired about the lunch set with an additional cost of S$4 for a drink and a soup-of-the-day.  The waitress, a really young adolescent, blurted out "It's cream of vegetables though!"  My being a linguist and a total mischief, I immediately leaped on the word choice and cheekily chirped "What do you mean by the word though?"  The girl was flustered for a moment, but to her credit, she gamely answered "I don't think it's nice.  I personally don't like it."

Props to her for being honest!  I highly doubt her manager would be impressed, though. 

Throughout the meal, I marvelled at the amazement that is our beautiful language.  The subtext of simply a single word.  Word choice is so important; it signifies so much that is unsaid.

So yes.  I wanted to write about that.  It had not been properly formulated in my head... But as Hudidoo said, "You don't always have to write well.  Sometimes you just have to Write."

And write I shall.

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;1:52 AM
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twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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