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Monday, March 16, 2015

epitome of "between sizes"

CNY preparations went like this:

Hopped from the bed wide awake one Saturday morning after having club-hopped the previous night (to 4 clubs, but more on that another time) and drove to pick up Flea for breakfast!  :D  It was my first time driving on my own hehehehehe.  Photo courtesy of Flea.

Afterward, even though I was running on very little sleep, I think I was still running on an adrenaline high, so I accompanied Tze Han out to shop for new clothes for the Lunar New Year.

The Ng family trait: coin slits for eyes

Headed to Shokudo Japanese Coffee House at Cineleisure for lunch first, on my younger brother's recommendation.

I got this Mentaiko Chicken Yakitori for us to share!  This was nicely done with the chicken still being juicy and with a hint of sweetness. 

Carbonara for me...  It wasn't very yummy 'cos the slices of turkey bacon (as you most probably can tell) were fried to the point of being very dry and too rubbery.

Find out more details on Shokudo here:

Shokudo Japanese Coffee House
Cathay Cineleisure
8 Grange Road

Mon - Thu: 11:30 - 02:00  
Fri - Sat: 11:30 - 03:00  
Eve of PH: 11:30 - 03:00  
Sun: 11:30 - 02:00

+65 67360971

Whenever we go out for family dinners and see our elders fight over the bill, Tze Han would always cheekily say to my elder brother and me, "Next time when we're older, I'll pretend to offer to pay the bill first, then let you two protest and fight over the bill to the end.  So I don't have to pay! Haha."  Who knew that when it came down to it, the two of us kept fighting over the bill!  It was slightly ridiculous, to be honest.  Hahahahahaahah.  Maybe we're decent kids after all.

With our tummies incredibly full, we then proceeded on our search for suitable clothes for the little man.

Who turns out to be, really not that little.  Han really is the epitome of BETWEEN SIZES!  If we took a sized S shirt, he would be satisfied with the length of the shirt, yet the bicep area would be bursting at the seams.  If we took a sized M shirt, he would be able to move his arms with ease, yet he would complain that the length of the shirt is too long and dwarfed his height.  ;_;

In the end, I managed to convince him to take a slightly longer sized M shirt from h&m!  It's rather difficult to buy shirts.  I never really knew there were so many aspects to it besides the design (for instance, prints, striped, plain) and choice of fabric...  Collars, length, shoulder width and all that come into play too!

More CNY preparations from another day...

My parents and I always head to Bugis and give our prayers for the new year at Guan Yin Miao.  Then we'd stroll about the above street checking out the CNY goodies, decorations and random potted plants!

Got my nails done a sky blue this year for kicks

And because I don't believe in matching anything (manicures-pedicures, knickers & bras, clothes... contact lenses.. I kid), I got my toenails done a dark maroon!

I helped out with the cleaning the house quite a bit this year because my granny was warded because of health issues hence both my parents went to the hospital a lot to visit her.  Happily cleaned all three toilets, windows, miscellaneous doors and my closet to the accompaniment of great dance music, but what really fazed me was the SHITLOAD OF CRAP in my dressing table:

I kid you not. 

I told my mom in the midst of sorting out all these, "Mommy, I feel a little faint" in Hokkien, and she sniggered like mad.

But yay!  Of course the practical and level-headed Taurus carried out everything systematically and completed everything.  Pretty happy with my new organisation for my makeup and skincare right now.

Celebrated the end of cleaning with a nice Cabernet Merlot from Rosemount Estate!  I'm more familiar with Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir, so when I saw that there was a mix of Cabernet Merlot, I was intrigued!  It tastes really good on its own (not paired with food) and has more flavour than a Merlot, I feel?

Finally put up the fairy lights gifted to me. 

Then I fell asleep to Pan-Pot's set at Awakenings Festival 2014.  I LOVE TECHNO.

Slowly getting back into blogging!  (:

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;12:45 PM
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twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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