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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Friday the 13th / February 14th

Feeling like a bit of French house this lovely Sunday afternoon.  I slept for 11 hours last night!  Haven't slept that much in awhile.  I feel like I really needed the rest; I'm glad I made the last minute decision to stay home and sleep early instead of going out to club even though I had already gotten ready with my makeup and outfit. 

Here're some photos from when I had the energy to go clubbing:

It was Raysoo's night for Parallel at Velvet!

With John, Adriel, Cheryl and Ann!!

Raysoo is one of the resident DJs at Zouk KL!  I think people don't support Asian DJs enough (I know, coming from me; I'm more familiar with European DJs, I know, but I always support Hong, Jeremy Boon and Benny when they're playing!!), because Raysoo did a really good set.  Here're some of the tracks he played that I liked.

And the kind folks at Zouk have graciously provided us with a download link of his set! Click to download at: http://tinyurl.com/ncjq3t6

Here's a blurry shot of Bryan and me.  We got off to a wrong start but I think the best friendships are sometimes made that way?  Hahahahahahaha

The rest left in the morning but I stayed all the way till the lights came on!  Got to talk to Wayne for a bit, that was nice.

Fell asleep completely tired and woke up to this lovely picture from Moritza!


And yes, it was Valentine's Day.  *cringes

Left the house while it was still bright and sunny (a rare occasion) to meet my date for the day!

I was still completely hungover, but we wandered around town getting more wine.  First at Oriole Bar and Bistro at Somerset because of its excellent 1-for-1 promotion all the way till 9pm!

We had received a rose each from the bar!  Such a thoughtful gesture for us single girls, eh?

Look what we did with it.... HAHAHAHA such an acute representation of our feelings toward this day.  No, I'm kidding.  We simply cut the stalk off as I wanted to wear the rose on my ponytail!

Walked around town looking like this LOL.  We went to get cheese and sat at the side of the roads munching on Gorgonzola cheese and bread!  Flea made me try the cheese even though I'm not a huge fan of stinky cheese.  This was alright - the mould just had a slight sharpness to it.  Much more bearabe than blue cheese!

Love you babe!

Decided that we didn't have enough wine, hence we headed to Wine Connection Bar at Robertson Quay!  We also had our pastas there.  I had the creamy salmon ravioli, which was pretty good.  I don't think their tapas and pizzas are fantastic though.  Give those a miss and just get wines!  The place operates on a bulk quantity kind of model so their bottles (and glasses) of wines are affordable.  We got a decent Pinot Noir from France at $45++.

The night was still young so we ended up at........ ZOUK!  Where Ko-Flow was playing in Velvet, so we got a bit of trap on.  There was too much Top 40s though, the changes were quite jarring to dance to.

You can still see the faint chop from the previous night...

'twas a good night!  Went for supper and had satisfying mee goreng afterwards.


I have given it some thought... I love clubbing (specifically Zouk and kyo) because I have a lot of fun in that specific setting, where the music I love is played on booming sound systems.  But more importantly, it's a space where I don't get judged for many things.  People go just to have fun.  I know some others have other intentions such as getting laid but it's not my intention, why should I judge others for what they want to do anyway?  It's their lives.  I love clubbing for it's a space where I feel safe to discuss all the problems and worries I have; it's where people reveal their deepest fears and where they are the most vulnerable, simply because there is the excuse of the dancefloor to run to whenever things get too heavy.  And isn't that what we all want?  To be able to tell people we're hurting, but not burden them with having to deal with it.  Because sometimes just having someone know is sufficient, yet in normal (or non-inebriated) settings, it may get difficult to bring up certain issues.

I guess alcohol loosens your tongue a little, and you're less afraid of being judged for your emotions and opinions.  Just very recently, whilst at Wine Connection on another occasion (yes I frequent Wine Connection as it has good vibes!) when I pounced on a friend's use of the phrase "man slut", another went "Omg you're such a fem-nazi [feminist-nazi]".  I was simply trying to expound on the fact that everyone, regardless of their gender, can have more than one partner for coitus.  Why should women be more harshly judged than men?  As long as every party involved is not emotionally hurt and is mature enough to handle their feelings and expectations, there shouldn't be such criticism accorded to only women.  Why should "slut" as referral to women be taken as the norm?  It is unfair.  And I'm not saying this just because I'm a woman.  I'm saying this because I hate generalisations and stereotypes.  My other friend went on to talk about the majority and the privilege given to large numbers and percentages of the populations...  Which I simply do not agree with.  I'll go to the grave fighting for the fringe and more awareness to be given to the power of words. 

I guess alcohol is also apt to show you what kind of company you will be.  Sometimes you'll be shite, sometimes you'll be amazing.

And on that note, I bid you farewell!

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;7:40 PM
Go later!

Go earlier!


twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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