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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Lunar New Year 2015

In continuance with the previous entry, HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR FROM THE NG FAMILY!

It's been almost a month since the Lunar New Year has occurred (which means I'm really not procrastinating that much!  Usually the entries turn up 3 months later).

Since last year, the parents decided that we needed a little CNY decorations around the house.  This year my Papa, more the wiser, decided to utilise a measuring tape whilst putting up the decorations to skip past the "WAIT WAIT WAIT - A LITTLE MORE TO THE LEFT.  HIGHER UP.  NO NOW'S IT'S SLANTED" stage.

This year I was so speedy in my preparations because I WAS SO HALF-ARSED about my makeup and hair...  I think I took 45 minutes (30min: makeup, 10min: hair, 5 min: accessories).

Went to my paternal granny's place first!

My little cute smarty-pants! 

Customary family shot!

I love this little cutiepie!!!  He wasn't in a very good mood that afternoon though.  Either it was way too warm for him (and for all of us, to be honest; "stifling heat" would be an apt description) or he wasn't happy so many of us kept carrying him!  Hehe

Peh family portrait!  Woop

Little munchkin really wasn't too glad to be in my arms...

Then his mommy came to me and said "I think his nappy need changing."  AND I WAS JUST FLABBERGASTED 'cos I had been holding him for quite some time and didn't even realise that he had pooped  ;_;

Helped to entertain the little man while Heyu did all the cleaning hehe.

Proceeded to my maternal granny's house after!

My satin romper is from Asos!  (:  4 years it's been in my possession and never has it seen the light of the day.  I did not shop for new clothes this year.... I am wearing something old, and something blue.  GASP

On Instagram I wrote this snippet: "初一.   他们说今年的幸运颜色是蓝色.  他们是谁? 我也不知. 运气是能靠穿著和东西制造出来的吗? 我也不知道.  我觉得...运气应该是从在为别人做好事,做人周到些, 别太为难亲戚朋友, 对大家善良多一些, 才能得到好运, 不是吗?"

Han, Ming and I!

Cannot stand their smizing faces.

The highlight of CNY is simply, the act of partaking in steamboat.  *sighs in contentment*

I didn't eat any seafood at all this holidays!  Allergies were acting up.

Loaded up on the vegetables :D

My uncle prepared the stock for the steamboat and it was HEAVENLY!  He owns a Western food stall but he was trained at restaurants with hotels and all... I genuinely think he should open a soup restaurant.  I love his soups!  Need to get recipes from him and get down to being a soup-queen myself hehehe. 

Presenting to you... The three Stooges.

四大美女!!!!  :D

Flea dropped by my granny's place for a bit!

Pretty babe was in a really nice cheongsam!

Then we headed over to Zac's place


Thanks Zac for having us over!

CNY was basically that.  Family, food and friends.  \o/  I love the holidays!  Whoop

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;2:42 PM
Go later!

Go earlier!


twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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