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Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Recently, I have received numerous comments about my complexion.  Everyone keeps exclaiming in dismay, "Wah, it's really very bad!"  Well, I wake up every day to my naked face.  I do know my face is in shit condition now.  

... It's not my diet.  Well I did eat an awful lot of fried food upon returning to Singapore (and not drinking sufficient water, hence the swollen lymph nodes now and cough), but this acne condition started a few months ago.  It's just been getting worse and worse.  I went for a facial a few months back and the therapist said it was because I wasn't removing my makeup correctly.  Since then I've been triple cleansing but the situation's still the same.  It's not an issue of over-cleansing because I use very gentle cleansers without micro-beads, fragrance or parabens.  I haven't used new makeup products.  

I think it's stress.  Every waking moment of the day there is an unsettling feeling in my tummy that everything is not right, everything is bleak, my existence is really just nothing much.  I don't think I'm very happy a person right now. 

Tonight I had dinner with my family at Sushi Tei thou.  That lightened my spirits considerably.  We had salmon sashimi and avocado maki.  Han had hotate mentaiko, which I absolutely love, but along with my complexion, my rashes are horrendous right now, and I'm strictly off seafood and chilli.  

I also stepped into a public library for the first time in years today!  And borrowed 8 books.  4 of which are Terry Pratchett's novels.  The only novel I've ever read of his was a collaboration with Neil Gaiman (Good Omens - I adore the book; it's hilarious), so I thought I'd read his individual works because the man passed away recently and I thought it a shame that I hadn't done so.  1 novel is by Gillian Flynn and it is called Dark Places.  Another is Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer.  The last 2 are by Patricia A. McKillip - Ms. Neo, if you're reading this, I'm re-reading Solstice Wood!

Speaking of which, the other day I pulled out Fire & Hemlock by Diana Wynne Jones from my bookshelf and I was rather surprised to see this scribbled on the Dedications page!:

Somehow or another I had managed to skip this page in my previous readings of the novel (which were only 2, I must profess, this is a lovely but difficult and confusing narrative for me), but I came across this page just a few days back!  It is always delightful to come across Ms. Neo's script anywhere, and it is always a pleasure to read her words.  She comes across as so very her, in the most authentic and cutest of manners, through her writing!  Thank you for writing this to me, Ms. Neo, and thank you for gifting this novel to me, Topless 5!  

I miss reading, I miss getting caught up in fictional characters' lives and contemplating their happenings and past all that is written.  Well, I have 8 books to occupy myself with, that should take some time!

I wonder if you can sense the underlying tone of slightly forced conviviality in this entry...  And you're probably asking yourself, "Do I really care about the trivialities of Pamela's life?"  But to be genuine, I must confess to you, dear Reader, these trivial activities have been all that I am equipped to handle.  I feel anxious every day, about something, but what about, I can't really put a finger to.  Mentally, I seem to be stuck at a certain point....  

Oh well. 

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;1:27 AM
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twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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