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Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Let's talk about Mexican food, friends.

Last month, Muchachos at Keong Saik had a little smashin' party in anticipation of better things; after that party, they closed for a month or so for renovations!  I am a fan of Muchachos - read this entry for previous visit details - and know that Flea is a fan of Mexican food, well, just food in general, and thus grabbed her along!

The kind folks at Muchachos really do know how to throw a party.  There were free wings and nachos, and with each quesadilla/burrito bought, each patron received one complimentary beer of her/his choice.

Flea got the burrito with pork carnitas filling!  And beans.  It is monstrously huge so she couldn't finish it!

I had the quesadilla with GUACAMOLEEEEEE and SALSA as you can tell from the photo!  I love how creamy the guac is and how it just brings all the flavours of vegetables and meat together.  Yum yum yum.  I prefer the quesadilla to the burrito because I like the crispy tortilla.

I loved the atmosphere at Muchachos; everyone was simply there for good food and to have a good time.  There were so many people as well, but none of us were flustered or rushing anyone out.  It was quite squeezy because of space constraints but I felt like everyone was there to enjoy themselves so it didn't bother me at all!

And...... Muchachos is re-opening tomorrow!  The happy burrito folks are throwing yet another party to welcome the arrival of new and better food and place and whilst I've indicated that I'm going for the event, I'm not too sure if I'm heading for it (we all know how invitations through social media work nowadays...).  But the reason for it is definitely not because I don't want to go, but because I am meeting a dear friend tomorrow whom I haven't seen in awhile and I really wish to catch up with her over a quieter environment!  (:  Maybe we'll go for food and then head somewhere else for drinks, who knows?  I like to live life spontaneously!  :D  Luckily, so does my friend hehehe.

Since Flea and I were in Tanjong Pagar, we decided to swing by to Tippling Club

Another refreshing drink made by the ever meticulous bartenders with a special eye for detail.  This time it was Yugi who made my drink!  I remember this being refreshing with a twist of lemon. 

Was pretty exhausted because of the monthly affair, so Flea and I decided to cab home and get some early rest.  I still felt like drinking a little bit more so I opened a bottle of Riesling.

I don't particularly like white wine though.  Most of them are too sweet and dry for me! 

It was a pretty good night  (:  Made new friends!  A new friend said that I seemed like I was much older; when he had first met me, he thought I was about 25 or 27.  Maybe it's my makeup.  I really tend to favour the dark lipsticks!


On a random note, someone I used to date spoke to me out of the blue recently.  He shared a video with me about a guy wearing high heels for an entire day, and went "the vid just made me think of how I was a douchebag that time when I didn't help you walk in your heels".

During that occasion he was speaking about, I was in my 6inch platform boots and we were walking along a path and I had been casually holding on to his arm.  Not for need for support or anything, I was just holding his hand like you know, how people who are dating like to.  Or not.  Depends on your personal opinion toward physical touch, I suppose.  Okay I digress.  We had arrived at a particular spot on a path where one half of the path was rocky and the other was clear.  He strode on toward the rocky path, and I had made the choice to remove my arm from his hold in order to walk on the clear path.  Without saying it was difficult to walk or anything, without scolding him for not helping me.  However, he proceeded to accuse me of not trusting him to take care of me, not trusting him to be able to catch me if I tripped.  I told him that I basically preferred NOT to trip, rather than have him be there to hold me IF I tripped.  And I knew I wouldn't trip, if I walked on the clear path.  Hence I chose to move to the clear path.  But we actually had an argument over this.  We spent a good 15 minutes yelling at each other on the pathway next to a roadside, giving each other death glares and him to me, the silent treatment.  I recall that this was also the night that I had received the news that I had gotten on the Dean's List for that semester's academic results, so it was quite a bummer.  But yeah.  People in romantic relationships argue over the most stupid of things.  This really was one of them. 

But back to the present.  So in reply, I told him, "Doesn't matter.  Was in the past."

To which he replied "didn't understand the pains of walking in heels mah". 

?!?!??!?!?!  I swear I almost keeled over in front of my laptop.  I had thought that it was nice of him to kind of say sorry for losing his temper with me where it was unwarranted, but it was only on the condition that A MAN had to experience the event of walking in heels before he could relate to such an experience.  When I told Flea about this, she went "It's not even about relating?  Must relate then can help you meh.  Then don't relate then don't care?"  BUT THE THING IS, I DIDN'T NEED HELP.  I never said it was difficult to walk then.  I never accused him of not helping me.  I actually love wearing heels and don't complain about wearing heels.  I have a very high pain threshold when it comes to my feet.

I was really just flabbergasted.  Maybe he doesn't mean what I took his words to mean.  Maybe he's just only mentioning that in general, he never considered the pains of walking in heels for persons who choose to walk in heels.  Maybe I'm overreacting to such a conversation.  But with his bringing up that particular incident and the way he phrases his words... It's all inference and linkages but I feel like I really don't understand the thought processes of some individuals.  I guess I'll never know how their worlds work... 


Anyway, I hope that you can tell that I am trying hard to keep to my promise to update more regularly!  (:  Hopefully this practice will continue on hehehe.

I had an awesome day today; I hope yours was too!


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;11:20 PM
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twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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