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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I have just finished Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.  Flynn gets to me, she does.  I remember watching the film with Nicholas and we were shell-shocked after the end of the film.  I'm not saying that one medium is better than the other but through reading text, one gets a better idea of the psyche of characters (or at the very least, some reinforcement, if the film-character does not veer off from the novel-character too much.  Usually films are adapted from novels.  Usually).  And I'm just flabbergasted at how real Flynn's characters can be, and how awfully horrific I feel knowing that there is some truth to the possibility of all of us turning into the manipulative, false and conniving characters in her novel.  

I read Dark Places, which was written by her, as well.  It was really good.  But scary and terrifying for the shining white light that she cast on the ugliness of human nature was utterly bright.  So bloody bright.

I have not been in a good mind-space for days, weeks even.  It's sad that I can get so affected by persons who don't matter.  Maybe she's right.  Maybe my thoughts will get triggered by the slightest word, smell, memory or place.  But you know what?  At least I'm not a terrible person.  And I will never be meanhearted.  That I find comfort in.  I know it's ironic I'm writing about this now after saying that it's highly possible that all of us have the ability to be crazy psychotic manipulators but I think it's resisting this urge that makes us better people.  I don't exactly know what I'm saying.

I'm so scared. 

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twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

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