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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I'm going crazy.

I don't even know how, but I can feel myself slipping from myself.

If I don't write, I'm going to implode, and I'm going to stop being anything like me, and just be someone who's not me.

Where the hell did my joie de vivre disappear to?

I still have it, I think.  That optimism.  The other day, I was walking along to work, and I came across two tourists - my office's situated in the vicinity of Raffles Hotel, and somehow tourists LOVE to take photos there.  Is it considered iconic?  I have no clue - tailing a mynah, and one of the two ladies was even bending down to the ground in attempts to snap a photo of the bird. 

I mean - who'd ever thought one would be fascinated by a mynah?  They're so common to us in Singapore, and even thought of as a pest to certain people.  These two really dolled up ladies were definitely intrigued by the tiny bird, and I was left wondering what really made people think.

Another time, I came across a lady posing with a bright pink blooming flower.  I was pretty happy to see her cheery grin, to be honest.  I slowed in my steps and took a closer look at the blossoming flowers; they were a deep vivid fushcia, and they were glorious.

When was the last time you stopped to take a look at the flowers?

I don't know why, but somehow the walk along Raffles Hotel toward my office is packed full of funny incidents every time I'm trying to get to work.  One other time, I was innocently strolling along to work and what do you know?  A rat came scurrying across the pathway, mere centimetres away from my Doc Marten-clad feet!  Of course, I leaped about two feet in the air (just a saying, I don't exactly know how long two feet is) and gave a startled yelp.  The hilarious thing was that a dad and his son were about two metres away from me and had witnessed my jumping up into the air to avoid stomping on a rat.  They'd seen the rat too, so they'd know I wasn't just jumping up into the air randomly for laughs, but hey, it was so incredulous I just burst out laughing. 

I then continued my way on to work with a grin.


When did life ever get so bleak?

I'd thought I'd faced the worst of it all, but nowadays words thrown at me eat at my very core, bit by bit.  Sometimes it's not the physical exertion but the mental and emotional strain.  And I just feel like I'll never be able to get to certain expectations that I'm held to.  It's debilitating.

Thankfully for the Pops and Momma who are so overwhelmingly supportive and the friends (Melcher, Bert, Flea, Huda, Gannuer, Tessa, Joy, Geraleine, Indran, McKen, Kevin, Daniel, Yizhen, Wanchun... the list goes on) who always have my back.  Or they don't throw the phone at me when I reply about 3 days late.  

Thank goodness for all the alcohol I consume to help ease the days by.  Thank the stars for allowing me to dance all my fusses away.  Thankfully I have the laughs after the tears.

I wish to be the best I can ever be, and most of all I wish for peaceful sleep.



;12:56 AM
Go later!

Go earlier!


twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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