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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Many waking moments of my life, I feel a complex mix of emotions of happiness, wanting to cry and wanting to dance.  Most achingly, the urge of wanting to dance is the strongest I feel.

Am meant to be on the Zouk dancefloor right now dancing away to Chris Liebing's hard techno and his stunning, oh-so-stunning, grin but unfortunately, a sad twist of events has led to my staying at home.  With an injured right leg. 

How does one even hurt themselves while being on medical leave at home?  Honestly, sometimes I look at myself and I feel like I'm a walking joke.

I've been on medical leave for the past week because I finally went and got my last two wisdom teeth removed!  The top left one required an extraction; the bottom left one required a minor surgery.  I'm finallyfuckingly rid of wisdom tooth problems.  Am going to get my stitches removed tomorrow - by 10am I will be a new person.

My mom made a comment about how my manicure and pedicure do not match, and I gleefully replied, "Since when do I match my manicure and pedicure colours?  How long have you known me for?"  I meant it as a joke, because hey, she's my mother and hence would know me for as long as I had been birthed, right? (Okay a joke's not a joke when it's explained) But after I said it, I realised that... it's true.  She honestly has had to know me, over and over again.  As I have had to, with her.  Through my stupidly emotional secondary school days when I cried over choir duties, through JC days when I argued with her about the length of my skirt, through to adult lyfe where she gave me precious advice and still I questioned her over and over again the purpose to life.  I remember the days when I couldn't get over a certain someone and she crawled into bed next to me, just hugging me and letting me cry.  She's had to know me, over and over again, the person I am, the person I was, the person I will become.  

We're constantly changing. We're never going to be the same.

My mom and I almost died the other day.  I'm not exaggerating.  We almost died.  We were crossing a road when it started to rain pretty heavily and I halfheartedly remarked that we should head home to get brollies first, and that halfhearted conviction turned into a full-fledged one, and we just made a 180 turn, without any warning.  A motorbike almost knocked into my mom.  The uncle almost killed my mom.  And by proximity, I would have probably been hurt too.

Out of fear I shouted FUCK YOU to the man.  My mom, being the responsible, sensible, sweethearted lady whom she is, chided me for this shout, a few hours after the incident, saying that it had been our fault to have made that sudden decision to turn around on the road.  I told her simply, "I drive, Mommy - I know it's our fault.  But you almost died.  I just shouted out of reflex"

I almost got my mom killed 


What am I doing with my life 
;1:27 AM
Go later!

Go earlier!


twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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