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Monday, May 30, 2016

We used to make lighthearted remarks about waiting for each other to watch particular films, or shows.  And that we did, for some, like Samurai X, and others.  It wasn't much, but we kept to it, and it sort of became important to me.

I remember when The Imitation Game came out, and you said you'd wait for me to watch it, but in the end you watched the starting bit of it without me, and I was disappointedI was disappointed, but I pretended not to be, and it was okay in the end; we watched it together anyway. 

A few days later, an article was published in the daily papers.  It was talking about how in modern days of the telly and films, it was very much a thing for couples to keep their pact about refraining from watching a show - regardless of how much one wanted to - just so one could save it for their significant other.  It was a display of love.  

I cut it out, and I wanted to show it to you.  But I never got to, and now you're gone.

The other day, I stepped close to the slip of cut-out paper stuck to the fridge, wondering why my mom would have such a thing put up - it would usually be receipts or recipes, or sales and the like.  I took a closer look, and then it hit me.  It was something that I had done for you, and I never showed it to you.

I feel alone in my heart    
;11:33 PM
Go later!

Go earlier!


twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




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