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Monday, June 29, 2015

positive vibeszx

I haven't blogged in EONS.  

That line was written approximately 7 hours ago.  I then fell asleep after taking a dose of medicine.  Yes, I have fallen ill yet again!  This year is the pits; I have fallen ill so many times even though it's only been 6 months.  

To be honest thou, these past 6 months have been really illuminating for me.  I feel like I've learnt so much since quitting my job with the previous company I worked at and taking up this internship.  Learning not just regarding career and workplace issues, but also about myself, my friends, my family and just growing up in general.  I think I'm in a much better place than I was at a couple of months ago, or even last month.  At least, when it comes to my mental state!  Quite a few persons whom I was close to have left my life, which was really upsetting and I still think about one particular person almost every day, but I guess I'm healing?  I'm not crying every day, anymore.  Sometimes, at the strangest moments, I'll think about your touch and I am hit with the most abysmal of suckerpunches. 

I know some things may seem like they're very significant right now and sometimes certain things may be very crippling - it's as if you're being held back constantly by thick ropes and you just can't progress anywhere, as hard as you struggle to, or even if you don't even bother struggling...  But life really is made up of many different parts, and I guess sometimes you just have to manage your emotions and try to focus on the better parts to be grateful for.  I've been utterly grateful for my family and friends.  They've been ever supportive and though I did have a crazy screaming match with my entire family last month, I think underlying all the morning calls and the nagging is c-o-n-c-e-r-n for my wellbeing.  So all's good!  I've grown closer to some friends as well, and I've managed to stay what I wish I will always be: someone whom you feel comfortable looking for to talk to about anything and everything, and know that I will never judge you regardless of whatever you tell me.  I feel like I'm being really fluffy with all this talk about emotions, growing up and relationships, but there's really been so much that has happened in the recent months that have made me feel a lot more at peace with myself.  So pardon me, but embrace the spewing of positive vibes, alright?  It doesn't happen much too often on this blog, anyway!  

I really do want to blog in detail about many things and many people, but again, after my second dose of medicine, I'm feeling horribly sleepy again.  So I'll just do a short update with some photos!  (:

I've made a few new friends, namely, these two lovely human beings: Pui Jeng & Eliza!

They are were my fellow interns at House of Ou Studios and they've since left even though I arrived before they did, due to different reasons.  The one month and two months spent with Eliza and Pui Jeng respectively have been really fun and I've really learnt a lot from the two of them, working together on different projects.   I'll elaborate more on other entries when I've the right photos up and more time!

Dream team down to one!  I'll miss all the sarcastic jabs we make and all the inside jokes we have! 

I actually really like the Bugis, City Hall area!  We were out to celebrate Eliza's last day at the office this particular time.  She had once remarked, "I love me some NANDOS!"  And it's totally stuck.  So we went out for Nandos this time.

We contemplated the issues of searching for full-time employment, realising one's personal life goals, insecurities and workplace ethics (LOL) amongst others during dinner.  It's pleasing to know that three strangers of different ages (I'm the oldest, Eliza's a year younger than I am, and PJ's still in college!) and different life experiences can come together, make sense of each other's sharings and help each other grow!  I am really grateful to have met the two of them, really, because they're such great, kind-hearted and wonderful persons!  Although Eliza did ask me if I was dyslexic after browsing through pages of my notebook, and PJ called me XIAO BITCH so many times during her last few days of work, I still love you both!!!  Hahahahaha.

The both of them wanted dessert so we went to get Baskin Robbin ice cream; it was my first time trying it!

The flavour I chose was the Caramel with Praline thing.  It was AWFULLY SWEET but it was such a treat!

Learning from the pro of the art of "careful curation" of the Instagram page.  Hahahahahaha



Had a mid-week Hendrick's&tonic just to ease my worries.  I missed having afternoon drinks!

Bert my dearest went by near my workplace to have lunch with me last Tuesday.  (:  We weren't too fussy about our lunch location so we stepped into working title at 48 Arab Street!  I was actually still really ill - had a dreadfully raw and hurting sore throat and it was such a warm day yet I was shivering!  So I had all intentions of getting a soothing scrambled eggs set for my meal but the lady at the counter recommended the Holy Guacamole burger and I happily followed her words without realising there were curly fries...

As the menu description goes: Beef Burger with Avocado, BBQ Sauce, Cheddar Cheese, Greens, Onions, Tomatoes, in a Toasted Sesame Bun served with Curly Fries.  It usually costs $15, but I had the Working Hardest Set Lunch (available Mondays - Fridays, 12 - 3 pm, with choices of Working Lunch and Working Harder Lunch available too!) and that cost $14 with a complimentary canned drink. 

It was pretty yummy because the greens were fresh, but I felt that the meat patty was a touch too dry.  I was also choosing between this and the Scrambled Eggs Avocado because I really wanted to have avocado, but there wasn't much of avocado in the burger! 

My pretty but tired dear who had just returned from camp!  She got the focaccia.  I cannot remember the filling she chose!  Haha.   

Had a marvellous time catching up with her though I felt like I was about to die at certain times because the illness was getting to me and I couldn't breathe much through my nose hahahahaha.  Thanks for listening to my nasal rambling dear!!  Much love, and much appreciation for the support and advice, as always!  (: 

She accompanied me on my walk back to my workplace and we came across the Labrador that's owned by this store again!!!  She/he just sleeps smack across the entrance.   

Thanks for going all the way to Bugis to have lunch with me dear!  Hope you liked the gerberas & card  (:

I've been trying my hardest to work my right side because I've so many friends whose better side is their left as well!!!!  Hahahahaha

I had another cheeky cafe shenanigan a couple of weeks ago as well!  This time it was at Artistry cafe at 17 Jalan Pinang (also near my workplace muahahahaha it is the locus from which good food eateries are found, sleazy as its first impressions may be.  My workplace building is Golden Mile Tower HAHAHA). 

Russell got the Scrambled Eggs & Potato Hast with Charred Kale and Bacon!  He kindly offered one of his Potato Hast for me to try; it was extremely crunchy and I reckon potato lovers would very much enjoy a huge bowl of them for munching on during a film-screening.  I, on the other hand, have less adoration for the root and hence much preferred the charred kale!  :D  I love vegetables.

Thank you for going all the way to Bugis to have lunch with me!  (:

My order was Baked Eggs with Chorizo!  The crust was beautiful with the hardened edges, and runny yolks mixed with a tangy spiced pomodoro sauce underneath.  All this was topped off with amazingly creamy and salty feta cheese and chopped spring onions!  The well-buttered and toasted multi-grain bread at the side was really hearty  as well.  It cost $18 so it came up to about $20 with GST.  

Met up with Russell again after ending work and we were searching for random stuff in Daiso!  I ended up buying a tonne of cards and writing material with no initial wish of getting anything at all.  DAISO, Y U DO THIS TO ME.  ;_; 

I was also fascinated with this box of scented flowers; the colours are amazing and saturated.  I never realised this shade of royal purple with midnight blue would compliment each other so well...  I need to translate this to a makeup look somehow!

In other delightful news, my parents and I bumped into Banjeegal and her owner last week!  The little doggie still remembers us, bless her heart.  (:  Banjeegal is the dog my family and I helped to take in for a little while when she escaped her new home and got lost!  This occurred some time last year - read my entry on it if you'd like! - but she still remembers us really well!  She gets very excited when she sees me and her tail is continuously wagging - such a stark contrast from when she was shivering in fright with her tail between her legs the very first time we saw her lost at the void deck!  She doesn't really care much for my father though HAHAHAAHAHAH I guess he didn't interact with her at all when she was kept in our flat!

I had initially thought she was a Chihuahua hybrid but it was only because she had been sent to the groomer's and had her fur cropped really short.  She's actually a Maltese!  (:

Here's a photo of Banjeegal's owner, Banjeegal and I.  Hehe.  (:  So happy that I played a part in keeping Aunty's life and Banjeegal's life complete!

I've to go off to bed!  I'm going to try as hard as I possibly can to blog more often, because I really feel that it's good for me, but just in case I go on a month-long hiatus again, follow me on my Instagram account @greekhoney because I update there more frequently!

Have a brilliant week ahead, my friends!


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;2:53 AM
Go later!

Go earlier!


twelfth may

I write about my everyday experiences & pen down my thoughts in this lil' space. I read, listen to music, have a passion in language, love makeup and most of all, I observe. I really like learning.

I love making a difference.

All information and pictures on the blog are property of Pamela unless stated otherwise. Please ask for permission before using any information from this blog, thank you!




Layout & Image: !zrow